Areas of Practice
Property Types We Work With

Nora Devine is one of the premier big box attorneys in the United States. She served on the Sponsored Research Committee (a/k/a “The Big Box Committee”) for the Institute For Professionals in Taxation and has presented on big box topics in Illinois and nationally for the IPT, the Chicago Bar Association, the International Association of Assessing Officers, and the Illinois State Bar Association. She has deep experience representing national retailers who occupy big box as well as junior box buildings. She has taught “Analysis of Commercial Appraisals” and “Assessment of Big Box Properties” for the entity that most commonly certifies the assessing officials in Illinois.
- Junior Box
- Inline Retailers
- Central Business District Buildings
- Parking Garages
- Free Standing Single Tenant (such as daycare and bank buildings)
- Commercial Strip Centers
- Lifestyle Centers
- Office Buildings
- Car Dealerships

- Owner-occupied
- Distribution Centers
- Warehouses

- Large Apartment Buildings
- 2-6 flats
- Low-Income Housing
- Adaptive Reuse
- New Construction

Senior Housing
- Life Care Facilities
- Continuum of Care Facilities
- Nursing Homes
- Memory Care

Single Family
Nora Devine has represented many of the highest assessed residential properties in the counties of Lake and Cook. She is an expert on residential land value in Lake County and has utilized advanced strategies such as conservation easements and landmark freezes to mitigate property tax liability for her luxury residential clients. Nora has represented more than one hundred properties that were valued higher than $3,000,0000 for property tax purposes. She keeps a close eye on the market, remains in close contact with high-end residential brokers, and knows which appraisers to hire as expert witnesses should an adversarial tax appeal become necessary.
- Tract housing
- Underserved Neighborhoods
- Landmarks

Homeowner Associations
- High or Low Rise Condo Buildings
- Townhome Developments
- Entire Subdivisions
- Co-Ops

Open Space
- Golf Courses
- Nature Preserves
- Corporate Campuses
- Conservation Easements

Other Preferential Assessments
- Farm land
- Windfarms
- Forestry
- Fraternal Organizations
- Model Homes

- Class 6B
- Other Economic Development Incentives

Leasehold Assessments
- Airports
- Cell towers
- Tenants Leasing from Exempt Entities

Practice Area
Where Do We Practice?
We have a statewide practice and represent all asset classes throughout the state of Illinois.